Upcoming Meetings
The Annual Meeting of the Finnish Society for Matrix Biology
28 May, 2024, Biomedicum Helsinki
Matrix Pathobiology, Signaling and Molecular targets 2022
5-10 May 2022, Crete, Greece
The first extracellular matrix pharmacology congress 2022
23 - 25 June 2022
Copenhagen, Denmark

The Danish Society for Matrix Biology (DSMB) annual meeting in 2020
Date: Monday 9th March, 2020
Time: 12.00-19.00 (include sandwich lunch and network drinks)
Place: Mærsk Tower Level 15 (7.15.92), Panum Institute, University of Copenhagen
Theme: Extracellular matrix as therapeutic targets
Registration and abstract deadline: Monday 3rd February via email to dsmb.dk@gmail.com (name, receipt of your registration payment and any food allergy)
Registration cost: 100 dkr
1) Transfer via MobilePay to 46151 (Danish Society for Matrix Biology) OR
2) Transfer to the DSMB bank account: Reg: 1551 Account: 1227130 (Danske bank). Please indicate "DSMB membership" on your bank transfer
3) Email us at dsmb.dk@gmail.com if you need to transfer from an international account
Matrix Biology Europe 2020 meeting
Will take place in Italy, Florence, May 24-29, 2020 http://www.mbe2020.org/
The Pan Pacific Connective Tissue Societies Symposium
Will be held in conjunction with the scientific meetings of the Australasian Wound & Tissue Repair Symposium and the Matrix Biology Society of Australia and New Zealand. The meeting will be held November 22 – 26 2020 in Melbourne Australia https://ppctss2020.smalltalkevents.com.au/
Biomedical Research Course June 3-7, 2019
Matrix Biology Cell Biology and Physiology of the Extracellular Matrix
The course will cover various aspects of extracellular matrix (ECM) biology. A recurring theme will be the roles of the various ECM molecules and their functions in health and disease. Course code BMED904. Note, all lectures are open to everyone interested.
Contact info:
Marion Kusche-Gullberg marion.kusche@uib.no
Margarethe Bittins margarethe.Bittins@uib.no
Gordon Research Conference 2019 — Apr 8, 2019 7:41:52 PM
Nordic Connective Tissue Meeting 2019 — Jan 9, 2019 12:45:08 AM
Annual Meeting 2019 — Jan 9, 2019 12:35:28 AM